Thanks a lot to the sales consultants, very polite girls, picked up the right perfume from the first time based on past preferences. I highly recommend it
You stand in line waiting for the moment to pay for the goods, you give them 10 thousand, you buy goods for 3500-3700 KP AK in my case, they say there is no change, and they don't care. The guard needs to be easier if you are a man who went there, he will follow you and look into your eyes (although he does not weigh much more than a bag of flour), the guard cannot look at people as if he had never seen them.
I want to thank Elena, a very sweet and most importantly very attentive beautiful girl. With such a positive mood , I was energized during her help . Elena is very literate . Practice is just as valuable as selling. Selling will help you make a living; craftsmanship will make you rich. Good luck to you and prosperity at work dear Elena 💚💚💚