Мягкий, сочный шашлык из мяса молодого барашка. В основном филе с небольшим количеством жира, и 1 кусочек ребрышка
2290 ₸200 g
Шашлык из говядины
Сочное филе говядины с добавлением 2 кусочков курдюка для сочности
2190 ₸200 g
Шашлык из индейки
2090 ₸200 g
Картофель фри
Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
All the time when we wanted a barbecue, we ate only here, I took up to 10 sticks of barbecue with me, and I really liked it. But 2 days ago, I was very disappointed. Again, I ordered with myself, we came home with such a good mood and appetite, and you're on! The taste was disgusting, the smell was terrible. ((( The meat was very tough, the taste was raw meat, I'm not talking about chicken at all! No more nudity there.
Fast and pleasant service. Delicious kebabs, rather large sticks. There is always a choice of kebabs. Of the disadvantages, it is not always available in the presence of tortillas.
It's a great barbecue and the service is excellent. I took several types of kebabs. Portions and prices are perfectly combined, in comparison with others, even standing nearby. Fast, high-quality and most importantly delicious. There is a delivery, I also use it. They always arrive on time and even earlier. The main thing is that it does not have time to cool down.