Parekhmakherskaya street . I want to say that the hair master Zhuldyz does not know how to work with short hairstyles at all (Mom came to do highlights and a square haircut before the trip . So you need to try to ruin your hair (they were cut off along the entire length in shreds (they were stripped from thick, rich hair so that you just can't look without tears (They got a square in place for a boy, the bangs are 4 cm chewed off (If you don't know how to do it right and beautifully, then please don't take it!!! No need to work haphazardly! You 've ruined your vacation ! As the daughter of the man who was at her haircut, I was very upset , just horrified (( Mom is not conflicted , but she's still very upset . Every woman wants to be Beautiful!!! And they come to the Masters by profile for this !!! Please be professional in your field! Or don't take it at all if you're not sure of the results (((
After the rain, there is a huge puddle near the store, you can't approach-cars are splashing, on the contrary, shabby kiosks are not working, behind which piles of garbage
are hiding.