Применение в животноводстве:
Помогает дойным коровам снизить кислотность в рубце. При проблемах с поддержанием кислотного баланса в рубце отмечаются нарушения в его бактериальной среде.
Является источником натрия.
1730 Br1 t
Трикальций фосфат (мешки 50кг., РФ)
Кормовой трикальций фосфат представляет собой универсальную минеральную добавку порошкообразной текстуры. Препарат активно используется в животноводстве.
We have recently started working with this company. In general, everything is normal! The price is pass-through, and the delivery time is also fine. Everything was delivered on time, as agreed. We will continue to work with them.
Oksana, a zoo technician.
I was looking for baking soda.
A Strong Resource has both the product I need and all the supporting documents.
They work responsibly. I was satisfied with contacting the company.
I have been working with the company for 5 years.
Everything is fine.
there are no questions about the product, the quality is fine.
The manager has been permanent for 5 years. Nikolai will make a joke and bring everything in time.