A store with unreasonable prices for their goods. I bought a women's bag in April 2023 at the insistence and recommendation of the store's seller, that it was good. I liked it from the beginning, I liked everything. I decided that I needed such a thing. As a result, the handle on one side fell off in the bag, and her socks fell off the second time. Plus, as it turned out, the uneven coloring of the bag is visible in daylight (there are streaks). I offered the store an expert examination to rule out a factory defect. To which I was offered to repair myself in order to put new fittings. It didn't suit me. They told me to bring the bag to them. We did the repairs ourselves and decided to return them two and a half weeks later. I did not pick up the bag after the alterations in the workshop, as there is a danger that the fittings will fall off in another place. As a result, I don't have a bag. The Money has not been Refunded! Perhaps the store has already sold it a second time, since I returned it with all the tags.
The sellers of this store do not go to meet the buyer, but simply put money in their pocket for far from high-quality and not cheap goods. I was convinced of this for sure.