The staff walks around the store and monitors the buyer, but at the same time cannot answer the buyer's questions about the manufacturer of the goods, or about the approximate date of receipt of the goods, many goods that were previously on sale are no longer available, for example, lady speed stick GEL deodorant, facial products are generally behind the counter, i.e. to buy elementary you need to invite a seller to wash your face, when you walk in the hall, he watches you, and when you need to choose a gel, you need to look for it, and ask each gel separately, he does not offer anything, you can not come up to look and choose, I do not see price tags from such a distance, I get tired of such service, I go when I really need to, but in general I try to buy elsewhere,
A very good store where you can find almost everything from household chemicals and things to 5 stars for this store and, more importantly, the staff is always polite
According to the choice of consumer goods, I will say very wonderful, all the goods that people need today are there, especially alcoholic beverages, there is a large assortment, well, the staff is also wonderful polite, it's nice to visit this supermarket. In a word, that 's what I put five stars on .