Цена фиксированная и неизменна независимо от длинны волос или густоты
60 Br
Обесцвечивание корней
Обесцвечивание прикорневой зоны (до 1,5 см)
130 Br
Все виды долговременных завивок волос
200 Br
Модель на окрашивание
Участие в съемке обучающих видеоуроков для парикмахеров. Модели чаще всего нужны на сложные окрашивания, исправление неудачных работ, биозавивки и выхода из черного.
Стоимость участия фиксированная и не меняется в процессе работы.
150 Br
Тонирование блонда
Тонирование ранее обесцвеченных волос
100 Br
Окрашивание в один тон
В услугу входит окрашивание корней и длины
160 Br
Сложное окрашивание
Все виды сложного окрашивания
Точная стоимость определяется только после онлайн-консультации.
250 Br
Уход для волос
Разнообразные виды восстанавливающих процедур для волос
100 Br
Укладка волос
Укладка волос на термоинструмент, с использованием стайлинговых средств
100 Br
Кератин и ботокс
Точная стоимость определяется только после предварительной онлайн-консультации
I was very pleased!)) I watched Mikhail on Instagram for some time, I got the impression of him as a competent master who constantly extracts new knowledge and shares it not only with professionals, his colleagues, but also gives a lot of useful information to people far from the world of coloristics and hairdressing. The works in the story and profile, before / after are cool. After a personal meeting, sympathy for him as a person and a hairdresser only intensified. Very polite and tactful, did everything carefully, it was interesting to spy on the work) And she turned out to be not an easy one)) I have quite long and thick hair, and the last coloring was a year ago, it has grown decently. I am very happy with the result of really laborious work, the transition is not visible at all, everything is smooth and beautiful))) The photo, of course, does not convey all the beautiful shades in full, but you can understand everything from my satisfied face and so I can safely recommend Mikhail to everyone, you will definitely not regret it! Thank you very much ☺️
My favorite master😍 I would go regularly if I didn't love my native hair color so much) Therefore, I often do care procedures and experiment with styling❤️ Mikhail loves his job, is always creatively passionate, a cool conversationalist, I think this is his secret) that I want to return to him
Thank you, Mikhail, for the wonderful haircut! The shape of the square is just perfect! Very attentive, kind and most importantly, a professional in his field! I am glad that I came to you!