Гинекологическое УЗИ предполагает осмотр матки (шейки и тела), маточных труб и яичников. Трансабдоминальное УЗИ выполняется через переднюю стенку живота, при этом желательно, чтобы мочевой пузырь был умеренно наполнен. Трансвагинальное УЗИ делаетс...
120000 сўм
Почки и надпочечники
УЗИ почек и надпочечников – это неинвазивное диагностическое исследование, которое используется для оценки размера, формы, расположения и состояния почек, надпочечников и связанных с ними структур, таких как мочеточники и мочевой пузырь.
I liked the clinic!
as a demanding person, I appreciated this center.
the staff is polite.
It is cozy and clean, the service is good.
They treat you to hot coffee or tea at your request.
All doctors are real professionals, it's cozy and unsociable here.
The prices are average, but such comfort is worth the money spent.
I recommend it to everyone.
Quality of treatment : Satisfied
Specialists : They are literate, they just didn't write anything out
Queue: I signed up and arrived at the specified time, there was no queue.
It is very beautiful and very cozy 😍😍
I really liked this clinic, for my whole family.
I recommend this clinic to everyone 🥹
The staff is very polite to patients.
I am very pleased with the diagnosis and treatment.
It's soooo clean here 🌿
And it smells very delicious 😍
And what a beautiful reception hall 1️⃣
They also serve delicious tea and cookies here 🍪
Assalom Alaikum ) hammaga ) bu clinic va Shahida Khalidovnani taiflab otirmiman ) bir Marta kesela professionalism dokhtir tomondan tushunib olasla ) and there is always a friendly and kind Gulnora 🤗 and she will solve all your questions in a minute and make the most pillow injections 🤗 there is the most important thing , the most acceptable analyzes in Tashkent ! Profitable and convenient 😇