The photo is ancient, repairs have been made, there is a pick-up terminal, workers are not sleeping, parking is normal, the ramp for strollers is royal, the benefit of the place allows, according to the old tradition, they sell soap and shampoo.
I like everything, the girls are great, almost everything) always polite, quickly serve
I didn't like several situations:
1) I sent a registered letter, and in the next "cash register", if you can call it that, the girl was sitting absolutely free (with glasses, she's the only one there), then the landline phone rang, she's sitting, she doesn't take it on purpose. Now it's clear why I can never get through to them.
2) the situation happened with the same employee, but another time: while they were looking for me, they took out a parcel, a little girl from the 2nd-3rd grade came in, wanted to buy a magazine "Fidget", but in response to her there was some kind of not very polite and willing "no such thing", then the child asked for "that magazine" I see that this is "Baldyrgan", a magazine for children in the Kazakh language, a girl, by the way, of Slavic appearance, after giving the coins, she ran out of the department satisfied, but just a couple of minutes later she returned upset, saying that it was in Kazakh, which she received a bunch of complaints.: "I told you so." The fact that the employee explained that the magazine was in Kazakh-there was no such thing. I understand that you need to have patience to work with people and at the post office, very often, clients take out the brain to employees, but this is a child! Especially a child who wants to read magazines, are there many of them now? Why discourage children? If you know that they won't be rude to you in return, can you treat them like that?
Except for these situations, I always like the department, the girls are great, almost everything)
The Post Office building has been in need of repair for a long time , it is not pleasant to be there, the service is at 5 . I often use the post office because it is nearby, but it's a little dark in the room, and the mindset for the crustaceans is also not very good.