Repair sevices:generator repairs, gearbox repair, car electrician repair, computer car diagnostics, running gear repair, installation of parking sensors, repair of brake system, exhaust system repair, starter motor repairs, engine repairs, oil changes, auto repair
a convenient and prominent place, good specialists in their field, the details are on order and the running availability is present, you can also service the air conditioner and much more, the name is justified. super!
I gave it a grade of 3. It's average. A locksmith, someone who works with his hands and head deserves 4-5. And the one who makes the acceptance and places the order and counts the money
deserves 2-3. You need to be very careful.
Very professional specialists. Antifreeze was flowing. The diagnosis revealed a leak in the pump. The timing belt, rollers and pump were quickly changed. I am satisfied with the service and quality. And the cost is pleasant. Thank you.
It's not a minus, but I had to wait until they accepted it for repair - a very popular service.