A great place for cigar lovers!
It is very cozy, comfortable, convenient, good cigars, there are all the necessary accessories.
Spending time inside or on the terrace, relaxing, meeting friends is a pleasure.
A wide selection of drinks for any cigar.
Kristina will help you make a competent choice, a beginner in the cigar world will always tell you what's what and will give a warm welcome to guests.
Having arrived from Moscow, we enjoyed spending time here.
Good luck to you! Thanks!
Excellent atmosphere, excellent competent staff, special thanks to the waiter Dmitry. I explained everything perfectly. The chefs have cooked a very tasty steak. The price is great. For such service and delicious food - very modestly) we will continue to visit your institution) Thanks)
We were with friends at the Wood&Fire Cigar Lounge. It is an amazing, conceptual place, the only one in Belarus. The specialist who works there is a professional in his field. He helped me choose a cigar, showed me how to cut it with a guillotine, and told me a lot of interesting things. A place for the soul. We will walk more
Special thanks to Alexander, the manager of the cigar lounge, for his responsibility and professionalism