A very mediocre room. The first impression is this: Small locker rooms with small lockers.
There are no drinking water cups.
There is very little space, the gym is filled with exercise equipment. There is nowhere to stretch, work with free weights or practice on the mat, so as not to disturb anyone.
The gym is more suitable for girls, there are a lot of useless simulators that are also duplicated, and there are constant queues at popular simulators.
With free weights, everything is sad: there is only one bench for horizontal bench press. A very small area near the dumbbell row, which only fits a couple of benches. Two power frames: on one hangs a shoulder-mounted breeding simulator, on which someone is engaged all the time, and without removing it, you can't do much in the frame and there are several vultures. The other one has as many as 5 vultures, in this format you won't work out much on it either. At the same time, it is unclear why these vultures are there: firstly, there is not much room in the hall to practice with them, as with dumbbells, secondly, who wants to remove 5 vultures from the frame before doing the exercise, while it is unclear where to put them, and then put them back. It turns out that in the gym it is very problematic to even do a squat, or another exercise with free weight, if one person can still come up with something, then it will be impossible for two to do it)))
In general, the hall did not meet expectations, mostly due to the poor organization of the space.
A small gym with a variety of necessary exercise equipment, good treadmills, there is a shower for 3 cabins, large lockers (closed with a key, not with a pin code). But it's not comfortable without windows, it's dark and a little stuffy.
I guess I was unlucky and I got into rush hour, so my opinion will not be unambiguous.
Let's start with a good one:
1) A good administrator. A very nice girl.
2) Good exercise equipment. Very high quality.
It would seem that what else does the gym need?
It is this hall that needs more space or to keep track of the number of people.
During my entire stay, I was able to work out on only one simulator. And then he was just the only one free, but then the coach came with his ward and stood over his soul and watched with displeasure. It was a little uncomfortable when they were breathing right in my ear)
And I'm not talking about queues for other simulators.
I wanted to put 3 stars, but again, maybe I just got caught in rush hour.
Overall, it's a good gym, but I don't have five hours to study.