TRZ bozorini yaxshi ko'rib chiqib, shuni aytish mumkinki, narxlari juda qimmat va taklif qilinayotgan mahsulotlar sifati bu narxlarga mos emas. 1 tiyinga qimmat degan ibora bu bozorda ayni haqiqatga mos keladi. Savdo jarayoni ham ba'zan noqulay kechadi, va bu bozordan xarid qilish umuman qoniqish bermaydi.
The market is a little cramped, you can almost buy everything for the family, the prices are also a little expensive, the main thing is close and convenient
A good bazaar, reasonable prices, you can find different types of goods, from edible to machinery, and the quality is also very good. A good bazaar for those who want to buy cheaper, profitable and in good quality.
See original
Anonymous review
March 19, 2023
There is not enough customer service to get to the car, there are no baskets or workers to take the purchase out or it is very expensive
The Market That got stuck in the 90s
It seems to be wholesale, it seems not.
And so, in general, the sellers are excellent, the manner of communication is well-mannered.
The prices are very attractive!