Three stars only because we have not been served in this clinic for a long time. Previously, I would have put less, as I was constantly faced with various problems (incorrect diagnosis, lack of specialized specialists, queues). Seven years ago, I transferred the child to my departmental clinic, and many problems disappeared. Recently, we have been visiting only a dentist-surgeon at the 25th (a departmental polyclinic, primarily an adult, and not all children's specialists are available) and waiting in line for a chickenpox vaccination. There are no special complaints, but at each visit to the dentist we have to explain why we have the right to be serviced at our place of residence.
in general, the clinic is good and there are many good doctors, but there are several big disadvantages, I went to a teenage therapist and she told me, "I'm not going to see you, have you seen yourself at all?", plus to everything, I called for several hours to ask you to send me the test results because I feel physically terrible, and I need tests in order to go to the hospital, but they don't answer me, although they promised to throw me off.
There are no complaints. No matter how many people sought medical help, there were always polite medical workers, qualified assistance was provided. It's better not to get sick, but...if anything... stomatologists, surgeons and traumatologists are wonderful people.
I go with the children mainly for checkups by date of birth, because we are almost not sick. There are no problems getting to the pediatrician, but there are problems with narrow need to sign up for an optometrist in a month, there is no Laura at all at the moment, they are sent to an orthopedist at 6 GKB, it turned out to be a whole kvnst to go through .... they did not warn that the device broke down, they spent an extra 3 hours while they did it elsewhere
While they were being monitored by the pediatrician, everything was fine, but as soon as they were attached to the teenage office, the "swing" began . The pediatrician drives to adolescence, and on the contrary (((( They gave a referral to donate blood, but no one informed that for this procedure, it turns out, you need to take a coupon-this is out of the ordinary for me. Everything is done to avoid going to them, only taxes need to be paid for Free medicine , but there is no result !!!!!!
Excellent repair, rooms with bathroom and shower, excellent staff. Cleanliness and order both inside and outside, very beautiful and well-maintained territory!
Horror, not attitude to clients, were in 211 offices today, boors are sitting, here are a couple of their phrases: "My God, what is wrong with you", "Who else wears this?", not only do they communicate like that, so I also saw a picture where the patient was cleaning the trash can with Libra, I also turned them on myself, and these "Workers" were sitting and at least that, I'm completely terrified
All phone numbers for inquiries/coupons are disabled, and you cannot take a coupon in the online system, you only write an appointment with a doctor by phone. In order for a child to take a ticket, it is necessary to run like 15 years ago to the opening of the clinic and take turns who will have time. It's even funny
In general, the clinic is ordinary, now they are doing repairs. The laboratory is excellent, and the pediatric department is not bad. The worst thing is the teenage office, there is nothing to say about the attitude towards customers and waiting time, even on coupons.
The clinic is good, it's bad that it takes a very long time to wait for an appointment with some, and then they can cancel it because of the vacation, followed by a sick leave, and how to get to such specialists is not clear. And the pediatrician and the nurse, thank God, are at least very good🤗
Many good and responsive doctors! Thanks to Nadezhda Viktorovna, a nurse, she will always help with any question, a wonderful person. Inna Sergeevna Chernobai is a wonderful doctor, attentive, kind. Thank you for your hard work.❤️🌞.
It is impossible to make an appointment with an orthopedist. You have already made coupons for his ticket.Bye. Not everyone has the opportunity to hang on the phone from 7 a.m. or go and defend a live queue. There are no complaints about the rest of the records.
Excellent surgeon Ekaterina Frantsevna Glitsevich, a professional in his field. He knows how to find an approach to a child, even in a difficult situation, and choose the right treatment methods. Thank you very much
It's difficult to get through to the registry, I understand it's difficult with specialists, those doctors who have been working for a very long time have a feeling that they don't learn anything at all over the years
The queue at office 419 is very long, but they accept it quickly and the attitude is good, they will prompt and help. It takes much longer to wait in line for an X-ray. So, when you take a queue to the office of a traumatologist, I recommend that you immediately take a coupon for a picture (there is an electronic queue).
Instead of the child being vaccinated against tetanus (due to injury), diphtheria was done 5 days earlier, both were injected. Moreover, I gave them an extract of vaccinations from school.
They were good doctors.
But many have fallen ill or retired, and many specialists simply do not exist.
The only adequate head is working, if suddenly there are any questions, it is better to go to her right away. I don't remember her last name, but some kind of Asian or Caucasian)))
Clear, everything is to the point and without water.
Polyclinic as a polyclinic. I can say about the staff: good, kind, like everywhere else, there are nice doctors. I think that if you evaluate by a 100-point system, you can put 95/100, there are disadvantages, but most likely only for me.
Autumn is a good clinic, I went there with a child,fell and hurt my coccyx,the queue at the trampoline passed quickly, then they sent me for an X-ray, it was also very fast, they gave me a hospital, polite staff
We go there to see an orthopedist. But it doesn't seem to be as beautiful as in the picture, although it may have already been painted. It's clean and tidy.
Пять звезд. У нас на участке замечательный персонал! Врач- Жакова Анастасия Николаевна и медицинская сестра- Тимофеева Ирина Александровна. Они всегда внимательны к детям, все доступно объясняют, всегда следят за тем, чтобы дети проходили осмотр вовремя!
Берегите, уважаемая администрация, таких специалистов! В наше время это редкость!
Вопросов с талонами не возникало. Если запись отменялась по определённым причинам, всегда перезванивали из регистратуры и предупреждали. Если была возможность, перезаписывали сразу.
Единственное замечание, когда сдавали с ребенком тест на Covid, на дверях было написано, что в фильтре можно обработать руки. Медсестра не разрешила, сказала обрабатывать на коридоре. Там дозаторов нет , стояли лотки с дезсредством. Не совсем правильно организовано. Но, спасибо санитарочкам, постоянно протирали фильтр!
We have been going to this clinic for several years. We are very grateful to the pediatrician Starostovich Elena Vasilyevna. The doctor remembers the stories of his patients, is always attentive, takes his work seriously and with full responsibility.
My child visited this clinic, everything suits me. Now I have a granddaughter. We go there to buy toys and magazines. It 's good that there is a pharmacy .
Everything would be fine, but since there are not enough doctors, there are always problems getting to the doctor, the staff is excellent, the problems are solvable, but I would like there to be more doctors, so that everything is solved faster
Oh , the horror . This is a nightmare and not a polyclinic, we turned to a surgeon, we ourselves are from 16. The child broke his arm, each reception is hard labor for 2 hours in a queue. The poor kids were and with 2 legs broken, they sat for 2 hours. But it 's okay , you can survive while you 're looking at everyone , there was a case of a child sticking his elbow between the seats and pulling it out in no way, mom flies into the office , the doctor help , the child is crying over his head . And he didn 't get up from his seat , well , the head is called , the nurses jumped up , sprayed , and pulled out a pen .
Персонал очень добрый и вежливый .Всегда стараются найти подход к ребёнку и родителю. Для взятия анализов ввели электронную очередь и там же рядом есть сладкий уголок ,чтобы чуть утешить малыша .На счёт стоматологического отделения есть вопросы ..Терапевты-стоматологи очень хорошие ,а вот хирург в моем случае допустила ошибку и врала корень на живую (эх).Оценка поликлиники 8/10 , очень жаль ,что через несколько месяцев нужно будет уходить во взрослую
Травмотология ужасная. Ребёнок поранил руку, обратились в больницу, где наложили на рану три шва. На перевязку нужно было ходить в данную поликлинику. Окей, ходим через день где вроде бы обрабатывают(в перевязочной без родителей) на 9 день спрашиваю у врача когда же снимать швы? - швы снимаются на 14 день. Ответила молодая девушка врач. Которая во время работы практически не вылазит из телефона.
Это пятница!
Вышла медсестра что делала перевязку и говорит-там под коркой был гной, я содрала эту корку, почистила, сейчас все чистенько, но вы выходные обрабатывайте.
Мне дали название что приобрести в аптеке для перевязки.
Насколько было моё удивление на следующий день когда я размотала бинт. Рана из которой сочится зелёный гной. Края "зашитые" должны быть сомкнуты, подумала я. Но тут такого не было. Швов я не увидела.
Придя после выходных на перевязку опять попадаем к этой же молодой девушке врачу. Я обьясняю ей свои заметки. Что швов там я не увидела и почему гноится рана, если мы обрабатываем, может антибиотик уже нужен?
-Ну мы же незнаем какие там швы, может они внутренние. (бумажка с больницы у них в карточке где все написано)
Мы положили сейчас антибиотик на рану, придёте через день.
Как оказалось - нам просто живьём содрали эти швы!!!
А врач даже не увидела что их там уже нет. Начали пить антибиотик и через три дня наша ранка затянулась, чистая красивая, без гноя. Шрам конечно останется. Очень жаль что моему ребёнку пришлось все это перенести из за такого вот персонала в травмотологии.
Wonderful specialists. An excellent ENT doctor, ophthalmologist, cardiologist. And especially the head. Pediatrics Gromyko N.A.. Thank you for your hard work
Хорошая поликлиника. Все специалисты есть. Хирург отличная. Молодая, но видно, что опытная. Стоматологи приятные. К детям относятся очень хорошо. Нареканий нету к ним. К педиатрам очередь, но это обычная ситуация. Мы ходим по вторникам, всегда свободно. На УЗИ проблематично получить талон конечно, но я думаю, что это болезнь всех поликлиник.
Not all specialists are available, but the clinic is generally good.
See original · Русский
Level 8 Local Expert
September 14
We spent 3 hours with the traumatologist. Then another 1.5 for an X-ray. And for about an hour, so that the X-ray results would tell us. Only 1 traumatologist works, although the clinic serves a fairly large area.
See original · Русский
Анастасия Клименкова
Level 5 Local Expert
May 29
It's rare to get through the first time. Coupons are sorted out by narrow specialists in the first day!! I was unlucky with the pediatrician at the site, we do not hear each other ((( after her diagnoses, I immediately sign up with a paid medical center!
Neurologist, ultrasound doctor, traumatologist - 5+
Long queues, went to the orthopedist, didn't say anything about the essence of the problem. We will have to look for a more professional approach in private medicine🙁
1 декабря 2022г первый раз лечили зубик дочери (6 лет). Огромная благодарность стоматологу Воробьёвой Инне Антоновне! Дочка в восторге! Без всякой боли и страха доверилась доктору своего дела. Инна Антоновна в игровой форме, общаясь с дочкой на ее языке, залечила зубик. Спасибо Вам огромное за Ваш труд и любовь к детям!
Крайне непрятный доктор невролог Кущева Светлана Сергеевна.
Пришли на плановый осмотр в месяц. Естественно пока ехали в машине ребенок уснул. Что сказала доктор:у вашего ребенка рефлексов нет. Не могу оценить,приходите через месяц. Ну то есть целый месяц нам гадать всё ли хорошо или нет. Мы предложили погулять полчасика,на что она ответила,что приходить через месяц. На узи головного мозга талон не дала. Сказала,что будут только в январе. Сейчас на минуточку ноябрь. У нас были вопросы по неврологии в роддоме. Очень ждали этого приема. По итогу одно разочарование и расстройства. Всё можно понять, и то, что талон нет,и то, что ребенок сонный, но каким тоном она разговаривала...научите доктора общаться с детками и их родителями!