Клинер придет со средствами и в то чно назначенное время. Сделает поддерживающую уборку во всей квартире: вымоет все поверхности, сантехнику, душевую или ванную. Клинер упорядочит все предметы в комнатах, на кухне, в санузлах, вымоет пол.
10000 Դ
Уборка двушки
Клинер придет со всеми средствами и обрудованием в назначенное время. Сделает поддерживающую уборку во всей квартире: вымоет поверхности, сантехнику, душевую, ванную, пол. Клинер упорядочит все предметы в комнатах, на кухне, в санузлах.
14000 Դ
Уборка трешки
Клинер придет со всеми средствами и обрудованием в назначенное время. Сделает поддерживающую уборку во всей квартире: вымоет поверхности, сантехнику, душевую, ванную, пол. Клинер упорядочит все предметы в комнатах, на кухне, в санузлах.
Good company, the order was easy, I will single out the clerk Denis, the first house was cleaned well and not for long, aroused trust and quickly agreed to clean other houses - everything was done quickly like bees over the weekend, it was convenient to pay in cash on the spot, Did not have to be washed)), But there was a solid smell of cleaning chemicals, they said it was normal, but they still decided to spend the night in another house, the airing resolved during the night,
It's nice that you call after clearing to collect feedback, thank you ! ! !
Very cool service! I used it while I was living in Yerevan. Super comfortable order, everything is fast, simple, understandable, solved in the bot, no need to call anywhere, everything is clear. And the cleaning itself is just at the highest level, a wonderful cleaner Madina came to us and did everything cool, clearly, quickly. It was always a pleasure to talk to her, a very high level of customer service. I really like this project, I recommend everyone to try it)
I used the services of this cleaning company for almost a year, until we moved from Yerevan. All the girls tried their best, cleaned up like at home, but I especially want to mention Angela's work! A responsible employee and a pleasant person to talk to.
It was very convenient to order cleaning using a Telegram bot: no unnecessary calls, simple, fast, clear.
We were always interested in how the cleaning went. This is also valuable, which means that the owners are trying to provide really high-quality services.
It's sad that Angela couldn't be taken with her.)) But we remember with great gratitude both the service and the work of the cleaners.