2 пиццы (30 см, на традиционное тесто): Сырная, Цыпленок барбекю и Coca-Cola (1 л)
7200 ₸1 kg
Картофель фри
1200 ₸250 g
Сырные палочки
1900 ₸500 g
Итальянская пицца с Моцареллой и пепперони на тонком тесте
Традиционный итальянский рецепт с двумя видами сыра: тертый Моцарелла и классический чильеджини; пикантная пепперони, шампиньоны и смесь приправ (30 см.)
I really like this cafe. Probably one of the best pizzerias in the city. We go there all the time, they have a very diverse menu for every taste. There are many other goodies besides pizza.
The cafe itself is small, we've been ordering delivery lately. The service is very convenient and affordable! I recommend.
The pizzeria is conveniently located next to the Shum Shopping Center. The pizzeria is clean, cozy, and the service is fast. The pizza is delicious, but the sauce that was put in the box is quite specific in taste. I would like to say a special thank you for the very friendly and responsive attitude of the pizzeria employee Dauletiyar
Very tasty pizza, it is worth noting the work of the PR company, interestingly, keeping up with the times, makes you watch the commercial to the end, not even so much from the point of view of getting information, but to evaluate the production of the video.
The only and perhaps the fattest minus that exists is the so-called creamy sauce for pizza, it smells terribly of margarine, extremely cheap and not professional on the part of the institution, for this reason I rate it satisfactorily.