The grandiose railway station of the Second Empire era (if I am not mistaken, it is still the largest in Europe) and a powerful modern transfer hub, after this construction with unique and rare historical overlaps of its landing stages, all Moscow and St. Petersburg stations will seem to you modest and sweet provincial stations. All Paris railway stations of the late 19th and early 20th century are unique and interesting in their own way, but the North Station, of course, is the most noticeable of them, it's just a pity that now trains from Belorussky railway station in Moscow and from Warsaw in St. Petersburg do not come to it, as they once did....
After stations like this one, our stations are just super comfortable and made for people. In the evening, around the train station, all in black guys, in a word Paris.
The train station is just awesome. Security greets you warmly. They will show you and tell you where to go. Cleanliness is everywhere, but the territory is huge