I advise you to come here in the evening, after a walk, you can climb the wall for 20k sums and look from above at the old town, which you walked around all day. It is very authentic and beautiful.
There is also a small section of the wall where you can climb for free, but of course there are steps 🤣🤦
And I advise you to go out through the eastern gate --- there is a pedestrian street all the way to the train station.
I tell you about my adventures in Uzbekistan and not only in my channel. QR on the profile photo, link in the name
The gate from where locals usually enter the fortress most often. There are shops in the gate itself where you can buy tortillas, vegetables, fruits and something to eat. The sellers speak Russian.
Shimoliy darvoza oldida xonning bog‘chasi va bog‘cha hovuzi bo‘lgani uchun Bog‘cha darvoza, Urganchga shu darvozadan chiqilgani uchun Urganch darvoza nomlari bilan atalgan. Darvoza XVIII asr oxirida qurilgan va XIX o‘rtalarida Rahimqulixon tomonidan ta’mirlangan. Darvoza ichki tuzilishi shimoldan janubga cho‘zilgan ko‘p xonali imorat bo‘lib, shahar himoyasi vazifasini bajargan. Darvoza kechalari berkitib qo‘yilgan. Darvozani qadimda o‘nga yaqin mirshablar qo‘riqlashgan va ularning maoshi to‘rt tilladan o‘n tillagacha bo‘lgan.
Bog‘cha darvozaning ichki qismi ikkita katta gumbaz va o‘rta yo‘lak chekkalaridagi to‘rtta xonasi kichik gumbazlar bilan bostirilgan. Bu xonalar qadimda bojxona, qorovulxona vazifalarini bajargan.
Bugungi kunda darvoza ichida do‘kon va sartaroshxona ishlab turibdi