Payment method:prepayment, cash, payment by card, installment, cashless payment, online, payment by credit card, making a loan, discount system, bank transfer
Promotions:bonuses, special offers, gifts, promotions
The most important thing to note is the huge selection of diverse and high-quality chairs for various purposes! It's just a world of chairs) Another advantage is a competent and unobtrusive consultant. We bought 4 chairs for the dining area. We are very pleased with the purchase. I recommend it!
A large and spacious lounge with computer chairs. Friendly staff who will prompt and tell you about any model in the hall. Reasonable prices. There is a home delivery
, you can look, touch and sit on the model you like to make a better choice
I ordered it myself 2 times already - I did not regret it, the quality is excellent
Irresponsibility, inability to work with clients and wasted nerves - if that's what you're looking for, then you're in KINGSTYLE.
The story begins on a clear Tuesday in December. After choosing a bookshelf in the catalog, I came to the store to purchase it. In the store itself, I must say, there is nothing to see except gaming chairs, there is a very poor assortment, but that's not what I'm talking about. Already at the checkout stage, I should have turned around and left when the consultants couldn't place the order properly. How did it manifest itself: 1) the consultant obviously has been working quite recently and doesn't really understand anything, so he constantly asks everything from a more experienced employee, who, by the way, doesn't really help due to the same ignorance; 2) there was no order confirmation procedure (they didn't give me any contract to sign, they didn't show me a computer screen with before ordering, they did not verbally clarify whether the order was made correctly); 3) I had to tell them about the address where the cabinet should be delivered, because the consultant, apparently, did not need it at all; 4) in the matter of assembling the order, I began to actively promote the idea that they assemble furniture only in the store itself, and then they deliver the whole thing (the cabinet, for a second, is quite large, it won't fit into every elevator), and then, as an exception, they agreed to assemble the cabinet at home.
As a result, all the details of the order and delivery were not fully discussed with me, they suggested that I go home because it was already late, and promised to call back that evening and get all the details of the order that they would find out. I went home with great faith in humanity and waited for the call. No one called me until Thursday evening, and the tentative delivery date was Friday at the store. I had to call myself and remind myself. The conversation turned out to be as fascinating as possible - after each minute-long call, they told me that they would clarify the details and call me back. In total, there were about 4 such calls. As a result, I received the information and the delivery time. The delivery from Minsk is probably the only thing that went well. The guys did their job well and even lifted the box to my floor, I have no complaints against them. After I got the cabinet, I immediately started calling the store about the assembly. It was 4 p.m., time was still allowed (I live about 3 stops from the store). I was informed that they would clarify the details and call me back... and they didn't call me back for 30 minutes. I had to call myself again. Then they clarified my name and phone number again and promised to call me back. They didn't call back again, I called. The answer was "Yes, your order has been delivered. The movers said you had the box." To which I politely clarified that, actually, I called about the assembly. To which the consultant is surprised to tell me that they don't do the assembly at home... And that's after an hour and a half of my calls to them about it... Moreover, they also specified an assembly fee in the order receipt. That is, it is visible in their system. I'm already getting nervous and starting to tell them that we originally agreed with them on this build. They promise to call me back again. I got a call back later. At first, they wanted to put the assembly on some later date, because the driver in the store broke his leg and would not be able to bring the assembler (I remind you, 3 stops from the store, a hexagon, a screwdriver and a screwdriver from the luggage), then they suggested that the master come the next day (Saturday). I agreed to Saturday, and at the appointed time, the collector arrived and began to assemble the cabinet. But this fascinating story does not end there, because during the assembly I realize that the wrong cabinet was brought to me that I ordered... I call the store again, and they offer to send them a Viber image of the cabinet that was supposed to arrive. After that, there is a long pause of 40 minutes, during which my question was probably resolved. After the specified time, I heard the boss call the collector and say, "Tell him that the right cabinet will be delivered next Friday and then they will probably pick up this (wrong) one. Is she satisfied with this option?" Being in a state close to hysteria, I agree once again to some kind of adventure, because, frankly, I was already tired of it and just really wanted my closet. The collector says that my consultant will call me on Monday with all the details, because she had a day off on Saturday. And he leaves. No one answered me on Viber, they didn't apologize to me, and there was no response from the store, except that they called the collector and conveyed something through him. I was waiting for Monday. No one called me until 6 p.m. Once again. I got tired of always calling and waiting for calls, so I went on my own. To give them their due, they recognized me from the doorway. They started telling me that, oh my God, what a surprise, there was another problem. My closet is out of stock and there are no plans to produce it yet... They offered the option to make a refund, order me a similar cabinet from the 21st century, and I have to pay for the order again (at a higher cost, because the cabinet I need is slightly more expensive than what they sold me). Of course, I was not satisfied with this option. I wanted my closet at the price it was initially offered to me. The consultant began to prove to me that she had shown me the computer screen and I had confirmed the correctness of the order. By the way, this is physically impossible, because the counter they are sitting at is very high, but that's not the point. As a result, I had to call a senior manager. After omitting the details, they returned the money to me, said that the next day (Tuesday) they would take the closet away, if they found the closet I needed somewhere, they would sell it at the initially stated price, handed a 35-ruble SorryCard to their store, and with the first "sorry" they said goodbye to me. "Is this really the end?" I was delighted, but on Tuesday the closet was not taken away. And they didn't even call me. I called again. To which he replied, "Oh, I'll check and call you back," followed by a message in Viber, literally: "The driver will come to you tomorrow and pick up the closet, the car arrived from Minsk today, and he couldn't get free until 16:00, he won't be able to leave until almost nightfall today. Please tell me, at what time will it be convenient for you for tomorrow?". No apologies, no questions like "Can you do it that day?" It did not follow. Having learned from bitter experience, I set them a clear time from 14 to 15. Well... at the appointed time, once again, nothing happened. They called me at 4:30 p.m., and I, who had been out for an hour and a half, offered to pick up the closet on Thursday, otherwise they would be able to pick it up somewhere else, because I was no longer going to keep it at home. Thank God, the closet was finally taken away on Thursday. I bought myself another one in Ami and, satisfied, finally placed the books.
To sum up, the store is not new, they just moved from another location, and therefore they already have experience (it's scary to imagine what would happen if they didn't have it at all), but, nevertheless, people absolutely do not know how to work. Half of the problems could be solved if they could properly discuss their mistakes and apologize in time, but alas, they don't know how to do what they don't know. I absolutely do not recommend this store. The only thing you can safely do there is to come, choose a gaming chair from those that are there, pick it up yourself, pay for it immediately and take it away on your own. In this case, you may not encounter any problems. My case is probably not the only one, because when I was sitting and waiting for a refund, compensation was offered to someone else in front of me.
So, I recommend thinking 100 times before contacting a store where the SorryCard policy is introduced as the norm.