I ordered a power tool, I drove for almost a MONTH!!!! It was said in the delivery a couple of days, but as soon as the delivery date approached, they constantly postponed the date, it would be fine once, but no, they postponed the deadlines FIVE TIMES!!! In the end, I had to give up... And it is doubtful about the competence of the sellers, they examined the goods, somehow they were not eager to help in this process. Like, look for yourself, and we'll stand on the sidelines... I had to poke around and think about where to attach it to check... And this is a case concerning a large-sized device... The seller's assistance is only in one thing, to take out, unpack, stand aside... But what about the skills and knowledge of technology? I'll read from a piece of paper myself! At least a minimum knowledge of the devices should be!
The 21st century has turned, in my subjective opinion, into some kind of serious organization. I don't know what this is about, but the company, again, in my opinion, is going downhill... Most likely, this is due to the lack of proper control over the staff, or maybe, resting on their laurels, everyone has scored on everything and is working on "get off"... And these are never unfounded accusations. Most recently, they wanted to give me an umbrella there instead of a new one, which was paid in advance and cost 90 rubles... After a couple of days of hassle and angry tirades, the truth was changed... Then, instead of 10 work gloves, also paid in advance, one pair was issued at the pick-up point... Think about it! And after a reasonable question about the amount paid and the actual one, the staff of the point sat with faces full of bewilderment... And after an hour of waiting for a response to a request to the head office or wherever else, and not receiving a response, I realized that the probability that I would continue to cooperate with the 21st century was close to zero... It is clear that losing me as a client is unlikely to cause such significant damage to this organization, but something tells me that I am not alone there... Good Luck To everyone!)