The room is nice and tidy. Sofas, a chalkboard for children. Employees work quickly and accurately. Once I watched how a controversial situation was resolved with an unfriendly customer. Calmly and very professionally.
Pros- located nearby, works on schedule, orders are delivered on time. There were no other questions.
Cons- it's more about the store as a whole, not the pick-up point. The description of the delivered discounted goods did not fully correspond to the list of shortcomings. I bought a door for a bathhouse, with the stated drawback in the form of a chip on the box. After unpacking the cellophane, of course, not at the pick-up point, but before installation, it became obvious that the door frame turned out to be banally curved - one side was arched and the price of the box should have been the other .... and not because of the claimed chip ...... I think in the store about the curvature they knew.....