Good day! I want to recommend this store of goods for our beloved pets, it has a regular customer, a large selection of food, clothing, accessories, vitamins, sweets. In general, everything, everything that my pets are just delighted with. A pleasant group of girls who will always help with advice and choice!) also acceptable prices (below the average market), which is good news! I'm attaching an update for the winter for my doggie and a photo with a bunch of clothes for you! Thank you, my beloved sellers, please keep us happy. ❤️❤️❤️
Good afternoon, I want to say that the staff at the store is responsive and very helpful in choosing food and toys for the pet, it is very nice that there is such a good pet store nearby
Good evening!The service in this store is terrible.She came in twice and was rude to me exactly that many times, and the second time she didn't wait until we left, but packed up and went to smoke, discussing us with another saleswoman!I advise you to change the staff!!!