Золотой браслет, плетение фантазийное, без вставок
Роскошный золотой браслет, 585 проба - красное и белое золото, 19 см; вес - 8,61 г; Россия, Код товара - 190409(4), в нашем салоне в ТРЦ МАРТ
320320 ₸1 pcs.
Золотые серьги с подвесным элементом
Красивые золотые серьги в современном стиле "Геометрия, красное золото 585 пробы, вес 3,52 г; вставки 28 фианитов, производство Россия; в салоне в ТРЦ МАРТ
180576 ₸1 pcs.
Серебряное кольцо с фиани тами
Шикарное колечко - нежное, изящное - очень красиво смотрится на руке - отличное украшение для девушек ! Рассрочка через Kaspi bank
16,5 размер; вес - 3,59г; серебро 925 пробы, Россия. Код товара 176848(1)
В салоне Магия Золота Казахстан в ТРЦ MAXI...
Yesterday we bought children's earrings in an English castle in this boutique, so immediately two hours after wearing the earring, the earring began to unfasten, I went to the boutique the next day and asked why I wanted to return it in general, to which they refused that the seal had already been torn off so it was impossible! When asked why it is unfastened and checked on a special device (maybe there is a magnifying glass) the saleswoman pulled her earrings with her fingers and said that everything was fine with the earrings and could not answer anything else. As a result, the earrings were not returned, they do not give guarantees, it is not clear what they sell and they did not take it so cheaply by the way. It is extremely difficult for this boutique to go to specialty stores where they will give a guarantee and nothing will break from the first days! After such treatment, I now doubt that it is gold at all
I buy gold only in magic gold is a very large selection . Excellent quality products. Many thanks to the consultant Vera. Very attentive and friendly helped me choose what I need. Thank you very much.
We visited this jewelry store last week.
A large selection of assortment, I also really liked the polite staff, they helped me choose jewelry for my wife.
I recommend it, because I think everyone will find something to their taste.