A great store, you can buy cool children's sneakers at an affordable price! Often there is a 2+ 1 = 3 promotion, buy two pairs, the third as a gift, it is very profitable.
Great store! Most of the buyers are Russians! Of course, not everything is super, there are no sizes for many Hit items! But here you just need to look in more often!!! It is possible to book things for a day! For example, they sewed it on, tried it on, but there are doubts - they booked it and think for a day! It's quite convenient. No collateral. If you change your mind, the reservation will be automatically cancelled.
Yes!! And Most Importantly, The Store is not Cheap!!!! To The Fans Of The Brand, Have A Good Shopping!!! 😊 And - this is the Largest Nike Store in Minsk! There is much less choice in other stores! If you buy Nike, then immediately only in this store. Don't waste time on the rest of the shops.