точная стоимость определяется администратором исходя из степени загрязнения
60 Br
Оклейка полиуретановой пленкой Spectroll 210мкн
2600 Br
Оклейка полиуретановой пленкой Spectroll 210мкн
1600 Br
Оклейка полиуретановой пленкой Spectroll 210мкн
500 Br
Комплекс Ceramic Гранд
Комплекс с кислотным шампунем, консервантом нового поколения c уникальными защитными свойствами. Эффект запечатывания, экстремально насыщенный блеск, бархатистое покрытие и длительный водоотталкивающий эффект "лотоса" комплексная уборка салон...
180 Br
предварительная мойка составом Vorreiniger B Koch-Chemie, ручная мойка шампунем Acid Мойка с кислотным шампунем и консервантом премиум-класса
Насыщенный блеск, длительные водоотталкивающие свойства (входит чернение резины и мойка/чистка к...
Good service, always work great, very nice receptionist. I always like to get into a clean car with a pleasant smell ☺️
While the car is being washed, it is convenient that you can go shopping at the mall.
I really liked the car wash! We took the complex outside + interior vacuum cleaner, wet cleaning. No complaints. We did it in less than 2 hours. Special thanks for the online recording! This is very convenient, especially for those who hate to make phone calls.
They are engaged in the divorce of clients.
She asked me to wash the interior and exterior.
On a super premium car wash, this is no more than 100 rubles.
They charged me 180p here!!!180 p, Carl!!!!
They sniffed some kind of steering wheel treatment, spoiler alert: the steering wheel remained in the same condition.I didn't see any difference between washing on a cold sink at all.The divorce was complete , and it wasn 't for nothing that they had everything free .I don't recommend it to anyone, and I won't come here anymore.