It so happened that my wife broke her arm riding a Belvedere. We went down to Kanacey and sought first aid at the nearest clinic, 500 meters from the lift.
As a result, we received not the first, but real professional trauma care - my wife was collected and a complex fracture of the hand was fixed. Everything was done quickly and efficiently. Thanks to Dr. Trapani (here "doctor" is not a profession, but an academic degree).
At the same time, no more than two hours have passed from the moment of injury to the successful completion of the operation - and the clinic is nearby and they respond promptly.
God forbid you break down on the slope, but if you do, then keep in mind the TRAUMA CLINIC DR. GIUSEPPE TRAPANI in Canazea. We broke down in Cervinia, in French Lapland, and in Finland - so there is something to compare it with.
Keep in mind that the clinic is on Yandex maps and is missing from Google maps, this is not often seen. But you can look at the appearance:,11.7713275,3a,75y,208.11h,100.92t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1sVqVo104vFQyo9pJyIbBzAw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!9m2!1b1!2i38
Andrey Mikhailin