Normal gardens. Such impudent ducks are there, fattened with rolls/ baguettes. There are bushes where you can relieve yourself after drinking wine. I was there on the weekend, I went to the fair, there is a tent where they pour mulled wine, very tasty. I liked it there.
A very beautiful place to view Paris and the Eiffel Tower! It's a beautiful view, but of course there are a lot of people if you come at lunch. Next to the Paris Aquarium park. It is mandatory to visit in dry weather .
A beautiful garden with a waterfall, at the bottom of the Trocadero Square, locals walk with dogs. On the square there is movement: people take pictures in different costumes, on roller skates, migrants sell souvenirs. Beautiful view of the Eiffel Tower. There are several museums nearby, we were at the seaside, I highly recommend it.