Листья нори, паровой рис, соус айоли, авокадо, лосось, креветки в темпуре. Ролл обваливается в белом и черном кунжуте
6000 ₸220 g
Том ям с морепродуктами
Рыбный бульон с добавлением том ям пасты, кокосового молока, лемонграсса с вешенками, томатами черри и кальмарами, лососем, креветкой, кинзой и рисом с фурикакэ
6500 ₸0 g
Фо-бо с телятиной, рисовой лапшой и специями
Бульон на сахарной кости, сельдерей, лук-порей, морковь, специи (кардамон, бадьян, кориандр, гвоздика, яблоко), рисовая лапша, мясо стриплойн, кинза, базилик, мята, красный лук и имбирем, Подается с соусами: шрирача, рыбный соус, уксус с чесноком и
A pleasant place in an attractive location.
The Japanese concept of the institution. Delicious rolls, I wouldn't say cheap for the price, but not so expensive either. It's better to eat delicious than to save money and not have fun😏 A variety of delicious and unusual author's cocktails, I recommend 😉 at bar prices, I would say that the price tag is average in the city, but it's worth it. In general, it leaves a pleasant impression, it pleases from lunch to night, on Fri and Sat it works until morning. A DJ is playing and, given the location and the presence of neighboring establishments of different plans, the atmosphere turns out to be cool.
We were here in 23 and 24. The first time there was a gastronomic shock - everything was so delicious and interesting that it was decided to definitely go to 24 and try everything that they did not have time to do last time. But we didn't even find what we ate that year. Either expectations were overstated, or the assortment has changed, but still this is one of the best places in Almaty. This time it was also very tasty.
Cool place, kitchen, staff and location👍🏻👍🏻 and hookah stands out separately 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 namely, the unique cool Tim🤌🏻is the most fun and always advises cool taste! I definitely recommend it!