A cool market town, prices are cheap, there are many high-quality goods, there are all kinds of Kazakh Uzbek Russian cuisines, etc. In winter, the shopping center is warm, sellers speak different languages, Kazakh, Uighur, Chinese and Kyrgyz, this market city is created for shuttle traders, I advise you to go, the atmosphere is Chinese on the street 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
I went 3 times. There is everything and nothing) For me, if you are an ordinary consumer, then go for fur coats for your wives, small electronics, construction goods (bought 5in1 for only 30k), well, you can find suitable things, by the way, you bought cheap and high-quality ski suits. If you are going to spend the night, then take a hotel room further from the shopping centers, it is cleaner and cheaper there (like apartments of something, I do not remember the name). There are problems with food, everything is overcooked, there is a lot of spice. But we found a dining room on the 5th floor of Kuanysh, it seems to be called, everything is there as in the Act. Good luck to everyone. At prices of 3k entrance to the ICBC, 2k Parking for the whole day, you can buy 31 kg of only 80 tenge per kg. Everything above 2k per kg. If there are several of you there and it is empty, then they can offer 13-14k for a free ud to register the cargo for you, well, this is optional and at your own risk
The trip from Almaty took 3-3.5 hours, the road is perfect. The queue started at the checkout, live queue, payment via QR and vip checkout. 3000 tenge and 6000 tenge vip (without queue). After that, they pass through customs control. We take the bus to the shopping centers. They mostly take bedding, things of so-so quality. But I didn't see much. One consumer product . He 'll go for a trip once .