Приготовленный на огне бифштекс из 100% говядины, сочный помидор, свежий нарезанный салат, густой майонез, хрустящие огурчики и свежий лук на мягкой булочке, посыпанной кунжутом
4 Br132 g
Чизбургер Двойной
Два приготовленных на огне фирменных говяжьих бифштекса, два ломтика слегка расплавленного сыра, хрустящий маринованный огурчик, лук, горчица и кетчуп. И все это в подрумяненной и посыпанной кунжутом булочке
5 Br154 g
Чикен Тар-Тар
Мы приготовили что-то особенное! Новый соус Тартар подчеркивает вкус сочной курочки с сыром Пармезан! А ещё внутри свежие томаты, салат Айсберг, лучок - на картофельной булочке с кунжутом
5 Br185 g
Ангус Пармеджано
Наслаждайся каждым сырным укусом! Нежный мраморный бифштекс Абердин Ангус, пикантный Пармезан и щедрая порция соуса Пармеджано! А ещё внутри салат Айсберг, маринованный красный лучок и свежие томаты на мягкой булочке бриошь
14.5 Br295 g
Воппер® - это вкуснейшая приготовленная на огне 100% говядина с сочными помидорами, свежим нарезанным листовым салатом, густым майонезом, хрустящими маринованными огурчиками и свежим луком на нежной булочке с кунжутом
10 Br273 g
Цезарь Кинг
Любители курочки оценят новинку Цезарь Кинг! Сочные хрустящие куриные наггетсы, свежий томат и листовой салат заправляются соусом Цезарь и подаются на подрумяненной булочке с кунжутом
5.5 Br140 g
Картофель деревенский большой
Известный всем вкус деревенской картошки в золотистых горячих ломтиках
5.8 Br153 g
Кинг Фри XL
Горячий и свежий картофель Кинг Фри - золотистые и хрустящие ломтики отлично дополнят любой обед
5.9 Br160 g
Кинг Фри большой
Горячий и свежий картофель Кинг Фри - золотистые и хрустящие ломтики отлично дополнят любой обед
I decided to stop by for a snack after work and the impression was not very good.
The order was prepared fairly quickly, since there were practically no people, but even a small order has to wait a long time during the day.
I took the order and went to get a drink - pepsi was pouring from this "tap", the color was more reminiscent of toilet water. I showed it to an employee, and they told me to just pour it out and pour it from another tap. The girl ignored my request to give me a new glass.
When I came and sat down at the table, I saw that the package at the bottom was torn, potatoes were almost falling out of it, which were already scattered all over the package.
In general, the food is more or less delicious, but the service, staff attitude and drinks leave much to be desired.…
Today, I decided to go in and order a couple of burgers "fast" at Burger King, which usually takes no more than 5 minutes in other fast food establishments, even due to the workload, but today on 02/9/2025 there were 7 or 8 orders in the order board, but I expected 3 burgers for 20 minutes, I look at the workers, and barely They're hanging around the kitchen, it's their last day. Of course, I understand everything, but if you don't want to work, or if you're not in the mood, then don't go to work! If they changed the oil in the deep fryer or something, but no, they just walk slowly and move, it's terrible, I don't advise you to come to this place during the day. The burgers were very, very tasty and juicy. But the speed is alas.
It was yesterday. I came and ordered a burger, potatoes and cheese sauce, ordered through an electronic scoreboard, I did not get a receipt, I did not have time to take a picture of the order number. I went to figure it out, my order was not there and they told me that they would call the administrator, so they didn't call him. I showed them the receipt and they told me that they couldn't help me, and they didn't return the money either. I ate their air for free. At the very least, we could have looked at the cameras to make sure that I really made an order.