Excellent interior with high-quality fur. A huge selection of fur coats, leather goods and accessories. Everyone will find an excellent quality product for themselves.
I also want to note that sales consultants speak Russian and there is no language barrier. The owner and founder of the SARIGIANNI brand goes out to customers and makes discounts (P.S. don't be afraid to ask for a discount and bargain to the end, they are very loyal and will always go to a meeting !!!)
I highly recommend visiting this store, I also want to note that if you are going to visit this store, write to them on the WhatsApp +971 55 449 7785 +971 5 26480925 they will send a car for you and take you for free, even if you don't like anything.
In short - in short, 10 out of 10!!!!
A great store, a huge selection of fur coats, sheepskin coats, leathers, coats. The staff is at the highest level. Thanks to consultant Olga for choosing a fur coat. I thank the general director of the store, I made a big discount on the fur coat.
I had a rest in September 2024, they brought me from the hotel to the store and back.
I advise everyone to visit this store, the assortment is large. For every taste and size.
In the Sarigiannis store, in a pleasant, friendly atmosphere, we bought my sister a fur coat of excellent quality (made in Greece, supporting documents - passport, certificate - provided) at a very attractive price. We would have paid twice as much for a fur coat of this quality. A driver came to pick us up at the Bahi Ajman Hotel (Valentina invites us on the beach) and took us to the store, which is located at the beginning of Dubai, after which we were also returned. The store consists of several huge halls with a huge selection, you can choose for every taste and figure. The atmosphere was very friendly, there was an opportunity to bargain and reduce the initial cost. You could pay with a Mir bank card or transfer from a ruble account. And a nice bonus was that they packed the fur coat in an anti-salt bag - a transformer bag. There is a desire to come back again for something exclusive. I recommend you to visit.