Площадь обогрева до 50 кв. м.
Тепловая пушка (тепловентилятор) предназначена для вентиляции и обогрева производственных, общественных и вспомогательных помещений, для дистанционного просушивания поверхностей и предметов.
134.15 Br
Триммер spec gt-900
Тип двигателя: электрический
Мощность: 900 Вт
Режущая оснастка: леска
Ширина скашивания: 35 см
Вес: 8 кг
Диаметр лески: 1,6 мм
Частота вращения: 8000 об/мин
Штанга разборная
Расположение двигателя: верхнее
Greetings, dear Yandex users. After visiting the hardware store, I got the impression that the store's employees do not know how to work, and the quality of customer service is poor. I will ask the store management to conduct a preventive conversation with the store staff!
I really love Olympus for its proximity to home and the range, but the service leaves much to be desired. Because of the rudeness of the male cashier, I won't go anymore, it's not the first time I've come across
I liked the assortment, during the repair we often buy materials there, from roller to laminate. Sellers do their job perfectly, especially I would like to mention Jeanne, very sweet and responsive!