***,there are two companies of Polegaev's father and son in the same workshop . My son has "OOO family " . My father has an emergency.Polegaev", borrow money from people and do not return, a lot of people have lost apartments (including me, I have to live in their workshop and wait for the debt to be paid ) because of them and not only apartments, because of the experiences on this basis, many have already died. He calls himself a "Christian" and enters into the confidence of citizens, begs for money under any pretext (he offers interest or co-financing in the form of deposits) and then throws them at money saying that he is a bonkrot and he does not have money, but he will give it back if they suddenly appear, he is already under investigation by the prosecutor's office. A lot of people suffered because of this family, including me (at one time I was also offered to make deposits, borrow money for them, I sold the apartment, borrowed money for them, promised to return it before November 1, 2015. I did not take a receipt from them and did not conclude contracts, because they are my cousins, I believed Sergei Polegaev and his son Herman Polegaev, as a result I was left without money and without an apartment, they have been promising to return for 7 years, but it does not go beyond promises, may these Polegaev be cursed and let their souls burn in the eternal hyena of fire.) Don't make the mistakes of many people, pass by.