Khoja Mahmud Anjir Fagnaviy - is the 3rd Feast of the 7th was a Sufi in his time of the 12th century. At this time, a beautiful memorial complex has been built in this area of the Vabkent district, the village of Anjirbog: a mosque, a pond, a khazira tomb. This is a place for those who want to purify their soul and morally develop and breathe fresh air, where there are enough fig trees.
I would like to note that the memorial complex is not only visited by Muslims for religious purposes, but also by tourists from different countries.
I advise all Muslims and representatives of other religions to visit and make pilgrimages and develop their intelligence.
This is one of the seven shrines of Bukhara that glorified Bukhara all over the world, thanks to whom Bukhara has the title Sharif (Bukhoro-i Sharif).
The essence of visiting these places is to get spiritual relief, more positive energy, get rid of ailments, heaviness, find spiritual balance with the help of Allah Almighty.
And now about the form. Previously, each place was distinguished by its peculiar architecture, the position of the mosque, havuz, minaret and makbara (in this case, there was a two-story makbara). After the "smart restorations" or "obodonlashtirish", it became impossible to distinguish this place from the shrine of Huzha Orif Revgari. Therefore, there are 4 races.
Well, it's just a form. The main thing is what Mahmoud Anjir Fagnavi taught mankind!