Материал верха текстиль, натуральная замша, натуральная кожа; материал внутри текстиль, натуральная кожа; материал подошвы EVA (экстралайт- облегченная и износостойкая вспененная резина). Легкие, ко мфортные, дышащие! Размерный ряд 40-44. Доступны ...
350 Br
Лоферы мужские HISTORIA
Материал верха натуральная премиальная замша, материал внутри натуральная кожа, подошва резина. Плоская спортивная подошва идеально с джинсами и брюками-чинос, но также можно носить с костюмом в более неформальной подаче. Размерный ряд 40-44. Дост...
350 Br
Сникерсы мужские HISTORIA
Материал верха натуральная кожа, внутри натуральная кожа, подошва резина. Идеально с джинсами и брюками-чинос, но также можно носить с костюмом в более неформальной подаче. Размерный ряд 40-44. Доступны в черном и белом цвете.
The review refers specifically to the store in the Castle, and not to the brand as a whole. It looks like there are big mirrors in the store, but the lighting is terrible. It feels like there are still problems with sellers in this store, it seems like there is a lot of choice, but they can't really offer anything. I'm trying on a jacket, well, it's really too big, they convince me that this is the way it should be. I want to measure the polto that I saw on the mannequin, they tell me you don't need it, they evaporate a completely different one, also with the look as if I don't understand anything that I need. In general, I had 4 or 5 visits to the store in the castle, each time a new seller, but all in vain. The store on nemiga 3 is quite another matter, but I will tell you about it in the corresponding review. And the Historia brand itself suits me completely with price, quality and models!
Nice store, very friendly staff. We bought my wife chinos, a shirt and a jacket there, we helped her pick up everything, everything is beautiful. Chinnos are of excellent quality, they are worn for a long time, nothing happens to them. The shirt is pretty decent in quality, very pleasant to the body, but it wore out pretty quickly. For comparison, a shirt bought at the same time from another company with the same care lasted longer. But I was not lucky with the jacket at all. When it was steamed for us in the store itself, it began to smell very unpleasant, we were promised that everything would pass, but it did not. The smell has certainly become less, but still, and it's been 5 months, you open the closet and there's this smell from the jacket ((. The jacket quickly wore out and lost its appearance.