This office cannot cope with the number of clients. Out of 6 windows, a maximum of 3 are open, so there are long queues and a wait of about an hour for service.
Very polite and friendly guys work. Everyone will tell you and help you figure it out.
The only thing is that there are often long queues, because the store is in the very center
The cellular communication department, convenient location, there is an electronic queue, but there are often a lot of people and not all operators serve, so you have to queue
Super-incompetent employees. They regularly forget to activate the SIM card, which is why it turns into a pumpkin after a day (why not immediately?).
Sometimes they can't connect the Internet package properly: they put money in the account, but the package is not activated. When internet access runs out in a couple of days, you won't be able to prove anything, because the receipt doesn't even have the phone number you paid for. Be careful, if you connect an Internet package, you should receive an SMS about connecting an Internet package, and not just about crediting funds to the account
It's a shame - there are two employees, each sells one phone and it lasts half an hour. The queue was assembled and there was no thought of speeding up.