Стрижка выполняется с помощью ножниц и машинки. Услуга включает в себя мытьё головы и укладку с применением профессиональной косметики для волос головы.
45 Br
Включает в себя стрижку и бритьё бороды. Про произведении услуги, будут использоваться: Ножницы, Машинка, Опасная бритва, Премиум косметика для головы и бороды.
Услуга включает в себя мытьё головы и укладку.
70 Br
Детская стрижка
Детские стрижки для юных джентльментов позволяют малышу чувствовать себя комфортно и раскованно.
Special thanks to Daniel. He cut it beautifully and neatly, and most importantly so that I was very satisfied. A comfortable, pleasant guy who knows how to maintain a dialogue.
Since 2022, I have been visiting this barbershop, the masters often change (I hope they will stay longer with the increase in cost), so I was looking for a new master again.
Curly hair - the choice fell on Roman, in the photo he also seems to have curly hair, which means he knows how to cut this type of hair
And I did not lose, for the first time in 10+ years of visiting various barbershops, hairdressers cut me so carefully and scrupulously, paying attention to each strand and dried with a diffuser for the FIRST time (I have already accepted that sometimes they dry not just with a concentrator nozzle, but with a dandelion brush). I was mega-satisfied with the haircut, it's just a cannon bomb! I hope Roman will work here for a long time.
I would like to note separately:
* the new room has definitely become better, if there is still better ventilation than before (in summer there was just a sauna);
* lovely receptionist
* the coffee that the receptionist offers after the haircut is never a coffee gourmet, but sooo delicious)