Строительство домов под ключ Минск — работы, необходимые для возведения жилого объекта, предлагаемые клиенту в комплексе, включая внутреннюю отделку и благоустройство придомовой территории.
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Строительство дома из пеноблоков
На сегодняшний день строительство частных домов из пеноблоков предлагают многие компании Минска. Основное преимущество «Беликов Монолит» заключается в том что мы сразу озвучиваем сроки выполнения работ по строительству и даем смету по материалам.
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Строительство дома из блоков
Последнее время строительство домов под ключ из блоков в Минске приобретает всё большую популярность. По большей части это связанно с демократичностью цен строительства дома из блоков и скоростью его возведения
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Строительство дома из газосиликата
Профессиональная компания «Беликов Монолит» занимается комплексными строительными работами под ключ на заказ в Минске и районе.
The company carried out work on the foundation and laying out the walls in my house some time ago. I didn't want to write a review right away, as it always takes time to assess the consequences of the work done.
- You don't have to think about anything, all the work will be done for you. Just get the money and pay (this is a huge plus, actually, since your construction, if you are doing it, is already the second or third job - it depends on how many jobs you have initially)
- An excellent estimator (yes, it often happens on a construction site that it is impossible to calculate everything exactly, there will still be some unaccounted-for moments somewhere, yes, this amount can grow into a decent amount in the end, but that's the specifics).
- In general, a great team, they will always answer all your questions.
- Flexibility in all matters
- There are smart teams (but it's not always exactly how lucky you are). Well, an intelligent team means less control from the general contractor.
- Smart experienced teams will notice some of the jambs in the project and prompt them through a damaged phone. I cannot evaluate the design solutions, since at that stage I did not apply for technical supervision services (and this is a mistake).
It makes no sense to say that it will be more expensive than contacting a separate team, since it is already clear that the general contractor will set its own margin.
On the downside, I'll just go through the advertisement and then add on my own:
- "you are saving on concrete and rebar": no, you are not saving, there is concrete and rebar cheaper. And we can say that they know the best supplier, but this is more a matter of commercial interest, as will be mentioned below.
- "deadlines are strictly and unconditionally met, we refund 10% of the cost of the work for every day of delay": in my case, the delay went for about a month, no one deducted 10% of the cost of the work, no one even offered to discuss this issue, only on the last day of the contract they asked, under a made-up pretext, to pay for some of the work (which I did, since work is work, it should be paid for - that's my opinion).
But why write initially what you are not going to do?
By the way, if you read the contract, there's something like 0.1% late payment, which you know is a small thing.
- "Control of all contractors and transport": partially. There is an organization for the delivery of equipment and nothing more. There was no sign of control (from the outside). The foreman came to the facility a total of 4-6 times during the construction of the foundation and walls.
I perfectly understand the availability of electronic means of communication (photos/videos) and remote control (whether it was or not is difficult to say, I tend to think it was), but you have your own specifics where personal presence is required.
As a result, there are shoals of builders, and they are still felt (it is worth noting that everyone has shoals, do not idealize)
Okay, it was filled in somewhere in November, when temperatures went near zero, concrete without proper care, which then began to crumble, we can say we were lucky. The gables were laid out crookedly. The walls were laid out crookedly, so in order to align the walls with plaster with 90-degree angles, in some places you have to put a 5-7 cm layer of plaster (gables are generally a pain). Some window lintels are curved in geometry (not critical, but there are questions).
I wrote that we were buying solid blocks for jumpers, but in fact we bought them with voids - a purely human factor, since it was difficult to track this in correspondence. But this mistake was generally for the best.
In my case, the resulting jambs were justified, among other things, by the following statements: "and your designer designed it, we can't be responsible for it" (but as they said during construction on Instagram, what good bricklayers they were, how they solved the issues, having a weak project (asked the question: what exactly was weak? I didn't get an answer.)! Of course, I missed a serious problem, but the main thing is that there is already a beautiful picture on social networks).
Or the answer, which has already become a household name for me: "this is bad aesthetics." At first, the loader drove over the foundation without control (the foreman claimed that there was a loose cushion of sand, which in fact was not there, and it was clear from the broken concrete that it was not there), then they poured concrete into a heavy downpour (you don't look at the weather forecast before pouring concrete?), then they didn't come to water concrete with water (it went with milk in some places, apparently it's just bad aesthetics too, maybe it became stronger - I don't know, but the main thing is that nothing falls apart (without irony)).
Separately, it is worth telling about a large general contractor who calls equipment from today to tomorrow and selects it (and operators) from what is available. So you're a major general contractor and you're not able to negotiate with normal operators? Are you a major general contractor and can't call a crane in advance so that it doesn't come to work in the dark when the slabs are falling, but during the day? Then why do I need you if I can just call anyone and call the one who is free from today to tomorrow? So you also charge money for this "for supplies". What's the point of this expense item then?
- a guarantee for our services (which ones are not specifically mentioned, so in which case you can always say "we are not responsible for what your designer designed," so at the moment I would ask for an audit of the project for a fee before the start of construction, so that the general contractor is responsible for what is being built (and then it turns out that what they were offered to improve is their credit, and what they overlooked is your problem)).
- reports on the work done actually carry little useful information other than photos, as they do not show details. For example, whether the pgs was properly compacted before pouring the foundation or not is a mystery to me (as well as to the foreman, who rarely visited the facility, I suspect - forgive me for the only irony in this review). Nevertheless, if you ask for more information, I think the guys will definitely meet you halfway, there are adequate guys working here. I personally didn't have time to monitor the general contractor.
- You can finish the advertisement and add a few strange moments.:
1. The advertisement talks about saving on materials. But the materials are purchased from the same suppliers. That is, the supplier is not looking for cheaper places and does not offer the customer cheaper options, no (including taking into account the delivery of materials, for which you will always pay a couple of hundred rubles). It's just that the general contractor's agreements with certain suppliers work here (is there a commercial benefit here or not - think for yourself, but then what's the point of this expense item? What am I paying for as a customer? It turns out according to the principle "you're to blame for the fact that it hurts me to eat").
2. percentage for the supply. This is a controversial point, since in some cases they are sent to a specific supplier of materials, who subsequently performs all the work on design / sale / delivery, but the general contractor also takes money from you, which looks extremely strange.
3. Documents for materials: some of the documents are simply not there. But let's say there are documents for concrete, and what should I do with them when they are given to me after the fact at the end of construction, and they can write anything in them by hand? And if there is also a commercial interest in this?
4. There is always a human factor: they charged me 100-200 rubles repeatedly for one of the deliveries, simply because they did not figure out their calculations themselves. Therefore, calculations sometimes look like they don't fully correspond to reality (and perhaps they are adjusted to certain amounts somewhere - at least this is my impression, but I can't prove anything to you here, since some of the documents are missing).
To sum up, everyone has shoals, and in my case, objectively, they are so big that you can't beat up a developer just because of emotions. And when it comes to the controversial issue of the error that came to light later, you also need to be extremely objective and ask the designer (and it's better to audit the project before construction).
You can build with the guys only by hiring technical supervision (but there is another question: why then contact the guys if there is technical supervision? It is easier and cheaper to find teams yourself and hire technical supervision; but at the initial stages of construction, such nuances are difficult to understand).
Nevertheless, if you have enough money and do not have time, feel free to contact the guys, but with technical supervision, since unfortunately control within the construction company is weak (at least it used to be so, now it is possible in a different way).
To be objective, I would give the guys a B-minus, but misleading advertising is a serious disadvantage. If you have written something/They said be kind enough to comply.
Updated on the organization's response:
> the quality of the work is confirmed by your technical supervision
This is already fiction, I did not have technical supervision during construction to confirm anything. The ratings that anyone could give you (including perhaps me) are all visual and verbal.
> the quality of the work performed, which is achieved not only by the number of arrivals.
This is a dubious argument, since the quality of the work is achieved, among other things, by control, which was clearly insufficient.
> we found a number of design errors and prevented overpayment for you
Whether the overpayment was prevented is a controversial issue, which is difficult to assess, since no one has conducted a comparative analysis (which is why the first message of the review was for customers to contact technical supervision from the outside).
I was told that there is a problem here, and I replied, "Okay, let's do it according to your suggestion" (with an overpayment). If there were a third party (technical supervision), we could talk about preventing overpayments.
> works have been accepted and certificates of completed works have been signed
The perfect answer to any problem is that the acts have been signed. Technically, that's true, no doubt about it. But then the warranty obligations are just a litmus test, since any problem can be answered with "the acts are signed" (you can also say that the problem is just "bad aesthetics"). This is stated in the review, please read it again.
> the responsibility for carrying out a high-quality project does not lie with the construction company.
Did the concrete turn to milk? It's a "bad aesthetic." Or the contractor brought bad concrete. Or bad luck with the weather.
What other arguments can be voiced instead of admitting that somewhere the technical aspects of working with concrete have not been observed?
Is it possible to check the brand of poured concrete now and ask to rebuild the entire house under warranty in case of non-compliance? Oh, yes, the acts have already been signed.
> Tell me, please, why didn't you discuss these issues at the moment, so that we could respond to them in a timely manner, clarify and not accumulate?
Can you tell me, please, as a customer, I need to know if it is possible or impossible to use a floor slab after it has been dropped from the crane suspensions to the ground in order to respond to this in a timely manner?
Tell me, please, should I, as a client, know at what temperature concrete needs to be heated and technological standards monitored?
Tell me, please, I, as a client, should know that... [insert required]
You should not write such formulations as if each of your customers has an education in the field of construction.
> About materials and prices
Regarding materials and prices, please understand the wording in your advertisement, otherwise it is not clear whether you are saving the customer's money, or choosing stores that are convenient for you.
> you see your side of the coin, without taking into account the introductory data on time shifts, equipment breakdowns
I see that my work was overdue for a month and a half and they didn't even offer to fulfill the obligations described in the estimate (no matter what decision I would have made, the fact itself is obvious). The estimate will tolerate everything, it's not a contract, it's just an advertisement to attract customers.
> But we have never involved you in nuances, requests or surcharges.
The review says everything about requests or surcharges. Reread it carefully.
Once again, there have been problems and weaknesses in your work.
Nevertheless, the evaluation of your work in the review is indicated as positive, indicating weaknesses for potential customers (potential customers: they don't like working with this organization, find a better one - you won't believe it, but you will have your own nuances everywhere). This is a reason for you to develop.
My first winter in my house. What I want to say is that the house is warm, cozy and just good.. there are no drafts, no cracks, the house does not shrink. Thank you to Belikov Monolith company for the construction of our house , for honest and decent contractors on the roof , plaster , facade , etc.
In 2021, he made a foundation slab, masonry walls and partitions with the company Belikov-Monolith. 7-8 people participated in the filling of the slab, very quickly. On the part of the facades and plasterers, without complaints, the walls are laid out to the level in compliance with geometry. Daily photo reports allow you to build a house without personal presence. Honesty, openness, transparency - take it and work. An unrealistically steep estimate - everything is clear and on the shelves, without changing the price.. Thanks to the guys , they helped us save a lot on fittings , which is good news