Комплект полукомбинезон и боди, коллекция Boys First Wardrobe, сезон Осень-Зима, пол для м альчика
41.99 Br
Next L103964
Комплект рубашка и галстук, коллекция Misc OLDER BOYS, пол для мальчика
99.99 Br
Next L105034
Худи, коллекция OLDER GIRLS STOCKHOL, пол для девочки
62.99 Br
Next L105236
Свитшот, коллекция OLDER GIRLS STOCKHOL, пол для девочки
80.99 Br
Next L105246
Свитшот, коллекция WICKEDLY WONDERFUL, пол для девочки
75.99 Br
Next L107652
Джинсы, коллекция Denim, сезон Осень-Зима, пол для мальчика
35.99 Br
Next L114221
Толстовка, коллекция SMART, пол для мальчика
45.99 Br
Next L116859
Толстовка, коллекция YB SCANDI, пол для мальчика
63.99 Br
Next L117849
Супермилые джинсы из денима с мягкой подкладкой из хлопкового джерси с принтом. Эластичный пояс для комфорта и простоты надевания. Забавная вышивка с персонажами и красивые отвороты завершают повседневный образ.
39.99 Br
Next L118620
Платье, коллекция Misc YOUNGER GIRLS, пол для девочки
The attitude towards customers has deteriorated. Things come with marriage. The labels are either missing or somehow stapled together. It's more like a second or a drain. It's a pity - we loved this store very much.
The store is not bad, a fairly wide range of clothes for babies up to a year old and older children, schoolchildren, prices are certainly high, but you can always pick something up at a discount, it is also very convenient that you can order through an online store from Minsk with free delivery to the post office or to the store. In terms of the quality of the clothes, I would not say that it's straight Wow, I like the cocodrillo brand more.....
A good online children's clothing store, nice prices and interface, there is a kind of deja vu: similarity with YOOX, which is very cool, and I take off the star for a strange feedback: the email is indicated, but I ignored the letter, I wrote twice (the question was about my orders and account) - not a line was answered. This is strange.