Нежное мясо лопатки, тушёное с луком, приобретает насыщенный вкус. Пряные ноты перца чили и зиры придают блюду пикантность и аромат. Соль гармонично дополняет вкусовую палитру
14.5 Br400 g
Хинкали классические со свининой и зеленью
Свинина, специи, петрушка (5 шт.)
12.5 Br400 g
Хинкали с бараниной и зеленью
17.5 Br400 g
Хинкали с говядиной и зеленью
Нежная говядина лопатка, тушеная с луком, приобретает насыщенный вкус. Приправа зира и хлопья перца чили придают лёгкую остроту, а свежая кинза добавляет пряные нотки
14.5 Br400 g
Хинкали с грибами
Хинкали с начинкой из обжаренных шампиньонов и сыра
15 Br400 g
Хинкали с сыром
Сыр сулугуни, чеснок (5 шт.)
12.5 Br400 g
Шашлык из куриного филе
Кусочки куриного филе - самые требовательные гости мангала. Поэтому мы их маринуем и очень нежно запекаем до румяной корочки, чтобы каждый кусочек был нежным внутри
We recently visited this place and were absolutely delighted! The atmosphere immediately immerses you in a warm and cozy atmosphere: pleasant music, stylish interior and very friendly staff.
Of the dishes, I would especially like to mention khachapuri in Adjarian style - incredibly delicious, with a crispy crust and perfectly stretchy cheese. The khinkali was just perfect: juicy, with thin dough and fragrant minced meat.
The portions are large, the prices are quite adequate for such quality. We will definitely come back here again to try other dishes from the menu. I recommend it to anyone who loves Georgian cuisine or wants to get to know it for the first time.
We recently visited the khinkalnya and were completely delighted! The atmosphere here is cozy and friendly, which immediately creates a feeling of home warmth. The menu offers a wide selection of khinkali with various fillings. Our khinkali was simply delicious: thin dough, juicy filling and perfect serving.
The service is at the highest level — the waiters are attentive and responsive, always ready to help with the choice. We also tried several appetizers and desserts, and none of the dishes disappointed.
The prices are quite adequate for the quality of the food and the level of service. We will definitely come back here again and recommend it to everyone who wants to enjoy real Khinkali!🤩
I recently visited Khinkalnaya on Pobediteley Avenue, 9 in Minsk, and was absolutely delighted! The atmosphere here is very cozy and friendly. The service is top—notch - the staff is polite and attentive.
As for the food, the khinkali was just great, I tried it with chicken and pork: perfectly cooked, with juicy filling and thin dough. We were also pleased with the variety of dishes and original snacks.
The prices are reasonable