The institution was pleased, especially its employees, namely the woman from the registry, gave good advice. The doctor's assistant Elena is in her place, thanks to her and the head. Sent to the destination! As long as there are such specialists, we will live... Good health to them!
I visited there again on 06/05/24 to get an extract for passing the driver's commission. A specialist in the pre-medical office named Tatiana promptly issued documents to receive an extract, the next day everything went without long electronic queues (blood, urine, ECG) arriving at 07.45 left the clinic at 08.20. Thank you again, we were pleased!
I received a certificate from the clinic. Everything was very fast and friendly. The receptionist took him to the doctor's office and explained everything to him. The certificate was issued quickly, although everyone warned that it would not work that way. Thank you. The clinic is clean and the hallway and toilet are clean.
Of course, there are questions about organizational issues within the clinic. But I hope the problems will be fixed and I will be able to put more stars. But for now, this is the 1983 portal.
I changed the rating from 1 star to 3. I really hope that someday I will be able to put 5.
An ordinary city polyclinic, adequate doctors, some very caring and responsive, good-natured, competent, ready to help in any situation. Of course, there are separate instances of aggressors and inadequates in the help desk, but where without them.
I go to this clinic for the third time, they can't really tell what's wrong with me, there are always different diagnoses and treatment methods. And go to work until you fall down👍
If you want to quickly lie down in a wooden box, welcome
Disgusting polyclinic, came to the registry, said hello, asked a question calmly.So at first they ridiculed me, and then they said that I was rude to them, I stand indignant and generally call 103 for all questions
It's just terrible. It is impossible to go to the toilet.very small. There is never any hot water. Soap and toilet paper, too. There are few doctors.the queues are huge. I hope that something will change after the repair.
Probably a good one, I see grandmothers running there every day in the morning... Thank God I haven't visited her for 8 years... and happy. It will be even better along the way.
I've already written a review on Google, I'll leave it here too.In short : My district police officer, Naumovets, is on vacation now. I got very sick , my temperature was 39 all week . They were sent to Rublevich for a second appointment. A passive-aggressive person, but tolerable.When I asked her something I didn't hear, she got annoyed for a second and raised her voice by shouting. She prescribed me antibiotics and told me to donate blood.After 2 days, I had to go to the 3rd appointment. When I came, honestly, I was horrified at how many people were sitting there. But I know that they take it very slowly, one person for 20-35 minutes. Then another girl came out of the office and invited those who feel better and logically are going to close the sick leave to another office.She listened to me, didn't say anything about the tests, and I don't know if she watched them. Then she asked me what symptoms I had left (and this is a cough and a severe runny nose) and began to close the hospital.When I asked if she would write me a special exemption from physical education, she looked at me like a fool and said: "A runny nose does not interfere with physical education," although special exemption from physical education is given even for less serious diseases.I do not know her last name, the seal on the sick list is not hers and she certified Rublevich's signature.But now she 's going to get herself a complaint , or even a trial . Because after 2 days, all my symptoms resumed , and even new ones were added : sore throat , fever 38, very severe runny nose , cough and weakness. And she sent me to physical education to jump. This is unacceptable. What should I do, open a new hospital, because this "doctor" cannot distinguish a sick person from a healthy one???
The most terrible clinic. There are no doctors left at all. Nurses are never in the workplace. There is no one to work!
There is no attitude towards patients. Doctors can't connect two words
Нормальная местная поликлиника
С отличными специалистами
Огроменные очереди
Все как обычно
Но организация не плохая
Врачи и младший медицинский персонал стараются
Чисто аккуратно
Дай Бог чтобы у них было все хорошо
It's not a very comfortable building for older people. And a bigger building is needed for the polyclinic. There are no complaints about the staff - they will always be examined and treated carefully enough.
employees talk very quickly and incomprehensibly - it is impossible to navigate. I sat in several queues without any sense because of this. only one beautiful woman explained everything to me and helped me. visitors are also different, scandals are not fun to listen to :(
Well, first of all, the building itself is already somehow pressing on the negative. It's been 20 years since it's time to completely update and modernize. Some kind of temporary gap between this clinic and others. And together with some employees. In the waiting room, for some reason, it is customary to grumble at patients there, to shout discontentedly, and if God forbid you didn't understand or didn't hear something, you're fucked. Unfortunately, I didn't remember the last name, but there are those who should be banned from practicing medicine altogether, and there are those who, despite all the trash, remain people, remain doctors. And on the second floor, a young nurse, gives the best injections, also calms the alarmists.
Everything would be cool if it weren't for the long queues to the pediatrician and the absence of some doctors. I had to go through a medical examination somehow and I couldn't do it, because some doctor was on sick leave and I was told that there was no point in waiting for him, because after the sick leave this doctor had a vacation)
What happened to the girls who worked in Room 216? Always fast, polite and painless......Why did the standard procedure ( 3 minutes ) become a problem ?Question to the management ...13p/ K....You have to wait in line for 2 hours to donate blood from your finger ( it was 11/15/2023 ? This specialist Stanik L.A. date 16.11.2023
in the polyclinic on November 16 there was a scandal near office 106 where a cardiogram is being done, a pensioner woman let a woman go ahead of herself not by her number, how did the feledsher who does a cardiogram start shouting, how can such people in white coats work disgustingly, she behaved to bring a woman to tears this is normal, it is not permissible to break down on sick people if you have problems at home
Time goes forward, and in our 13th, it goes back. The lack of regular therapists is a common phenomenon for us residents. And it feels significant. It's easy to change furniture, but it's hard to staff. It's scary to think about the future of our neighborhood. It gets worse and worse every year.
I can't write anything good. There is no district therapist in the polyclinic in some areas. They drive from one office to another, there is a queue for coupons and you need to sit in doctors' offices for 1;5- 2 hours.
Отвратительная поликлиника. Отношение тоже. При своём желании закрыть больничный, тебя выставляют за дверь, иди, стой с больными людьми, ведь без осмотра они не закроют. Но и при этом, когда рабочее время подходить к концу, закрывают всем, без осмотра. Заведующая, вообще отдельная история…. Отстоять очередь, пойти закрыть там больничный, а её вечно нет в кабинете, стоишь и ждёшь Царевну. При таком персонале ты скорее нервы потеряешь, чем здоровье восстановишь. Очень много пожилых людей, к которым относятся как к свиньям. Если Вы это читаете, ПЕРЕСТАНЬТЕ ТУТ РАБОТАТЬ!
Резничук Екатерина Александровна доктор с большой буквы, грамотно оказала медицинскую помощь, профессионально назначила лечение, выздоровел очень быстро, хорошо что еще остаются такие молодые доктора в наше время
Слишком маленькая поликлиника для такого района, за последние годы появилось много новых высоток, а поликлиника как была в три этажа так и осталась. Нехватка персонала сказывается на всей поликлинике, отсюда и проблемы с очередями и с доступностью талонов (особенно неврологу, эндокринологу и офтальмологу). На прием даже по талону лучше приходить за полчаса так точно. Зато радует лаборатория со своими электронными очередями, там приятно находиться. Надеюсь скоро построят новый современный корпус, это бы очень помогло этому району.
Я отношусь к этой поликлинике по территориальному признаку. Сама поликлиника хорошая, очереди небольшие, персонал достаточно любезный. Хочу выразить отдельное спасибо медсестрам и гардеробщице)
An old polyclinic that has been in need of major repairs and equipment upgrades for a long time... Nevertheless, it still performs its functions properly...
You have to sit in line for too long, there are practically no coupons, prescriptions are only from the doctor of the site, it used to be more convenient to come to the pre-hospital and write out
A good clinic. It's true that there are queues for tests in the morning. If you do not come at rush hour, you can even go to the doctor without waiting in line.
самая отвратительная поликлиника, где я когда-либо была
А в Минске я обслуживалась минимум в трёх. Графики работ меняют, когда захотят. Недоброжелательный агрессивный персонал. Половина специалистов вообще отсутствуют локально.
Была удивлена такому вежливому и отзывчивому персоналу в государственной поликлинике. Время для создания мед карты заняло всего пару минут и сразу же нашлось место для посещения врача по направлению. Браво!
Вежливый персонал, уважительное отношение к посетителям, на анализ крови номер очереди электронный,т.ч. путаницы нет и забор происходит быстро. Доктора профессионалы, можно талон заказать через интернет.
Хорошая поликлиника, недавно делали там очередную прививку от ковида. Лето в разгаре, дачный сезон тоже, поэтому в заведении никого, вся процедура заняла 20 минут.
Специалисты есть не все, многих посещать нужно где-то там, стараются идти в ногу со временем, но, маленькая поликлиника, и этого не достать. Добили меня тем, что из-за низкого гемоглобина прошла по всем специалистам, узнала кучу экзекуций и страшных исследований, доставляющих людям ужасные муки через полнейший аскетизм, несколько месяцев не работая( потому что проходила бесконечные обследования), нужно было покупать длинный список препаратов( откуда деньги брать только на них?.... 🤦♀️), на работу так и не устроилась тогда, сказали, что позвонят, когда появятся талоны на дальнейшие серъезные обследования. Итог: перевелась в другую поликлинику.
+ теперь знаю, что все органы в моем теле работают, как часы( есть все справки🤣)
Короче, маленькая поликлиника для города. (
Персонал неторопливый, совковый. Специалистов не хватает. Поликлиника не меняется много лет. Как ходил туда более 40 лет назад, так всё и осталось. Только людей стало во много раз больше, а врачей меньше. Хоть бы сделали пристройки... И лифт для инвалидов и стариков. Прогресс идёт, а поликлиника та же.
Совок и в совке остался. Очень долго обслуживалась в этой поликлинике и очень счастлива, что выписалась из неё в 16-ю. Ну ни в какое сравнение, ни снаружи, ни по наполнению кадрами.
Совершенно маленькая поликлиника для нашего района, много молодых специалистов, из бонуса САМЫЕ БЮДЖЕТНЫЕ УЗИ!!. Конечно на платной основе, массажисты тоже от Бога)
Хотелось бы больше внимания врачей этой поликлиники !меньше сидеть под кабинетом и самое главное попадать к неврологу и кардиологу без направления терапевта!!и больше зарплату всем врачам и сестричкам!!