В этом блюде гармонично сочетаются насыщенный вкус ветчины и нежность куриного филе. Аромат обжаренного яйца создаёт приятный акцент, а сливочный соус и тающий сыр дополняют общую вкусовую палитру
14.5 Br270 g
Утка Хойсин
В блюде гармонично сочетаются насыщенный вкус нежного утиного филе и сладость соуса хойсин. Аромат кунжута и зелени дополняет общую картину, придавая вкусу свежесть. Лук-порей и болгарский перец вносят приятную хрустящую нотку
Курица, обжаренная с овощами — сладким перцем, морковью и луком-пореем, в сочетании со стеклянной лапшой и пряным устричным соусом, создаёт богатый и многогранный вкус. Хрустящий лук фри придаёт контрастность и лёгкую остроту, а дольки лайма добавляю
Hello! I visited this wonderful place today!!!! I'm thrilled!!!!! The staff is very helpful and always ready to help. Orders are prepared quickly and are always hot! I used to be here a year ago, a lot has changed for the better since that moment!) The dishes gave me incredible pleasure, I will definitely come back here again. ☺️
The reviews relate to Pad Thai in Diamond City shopping center.
1 visit - the receptionist was so busy chatting with her boyfriend that she ignored the take-out order and put everything on a tray. When I picked up the order, I said again that it was for takeaway and then packed.
Visit 2 is a different administrator, it's more a question for the management and parents, why didn't they teach them to say hello and say please when the client greets first and says thank you.
3 the order was delivered - an absolutely cold tom yam was brought (the cold one just tasted disgusting, I had to heat it in the microwave), one would think that it had cooled down on the way, BUT the other dishes were hot and the delivery was carried out in 9 minutes.
P.S. and the last thing when I called and reported that the cold pit was said, that the administrator will call me back. No one called back! This means that no one cares...
and 5 stars are earned for a dish as a gift, not for an honest review.
I never write reviews, but to protect people from tasteless food and wasted money, I decided to share. By the way, if you suddenly ordered something here, I recommend that you keep smekta handy.
I ordered miso soup and sweet chili beef with egg noodles for delivery.
Miso soup is sour, obviously the broth shouldn't be like that. Instead of muer mushrooms, we added scraps from them, tofu is the cheapest. But I must pay tribute, there were two pieces of tofu in the photo of the soup, and that's how much they put in :)))
About noodles with beef - when making an order, with the help of an additional The options indicated that vegetables do not need to be added. The noodles arrived with vegetables :))
The beef is barely chewing, with an unpleasant smell, as if stale. It all ended up in the trash, as well as 30p for the order. The egg noodles themselves don't look the same as in the photo, like a different species.
In general, one of the advantages: the delivery turned out to be fast, a pleasant courier.
But I'm sorry, asking for a 5-point review to get a dish as a gift is kind of surreal, given the quality of the products for these dishes.
I used to order more often and it was always good, but after this order I won't do it anymore.
Judging by the numerous bad reviews, it is obvious that the management should pay attention and review all the stages of cooking. Starting from the quality of the products, passing the correct order to the kitchen, ending with the preparation of dishes, according to san. standards.
Then you may not have to ask for good reviews :)