Творожные оладьи обжаривают на сковороде с двух сторон до золотистой корочки. Подаются сырники горячими со сметаной, вишневым соусом, посыпаются сахарной пудрой и сублимированной смородиной
2195 ₸210 g
Куриные котлетки с картофельным пюре
Куриные котлетки, пюре со сливочным грибным соусом, свежие огурчики и помидоры черри. Украшается микрозеленью
It's a good place to turn gray. It's not a pass-through (probably not very good for business). Like any chain coffee shop, the problem is always in the staff. There are a minimum of enthusiastic people. Hence, the grain that is boiled, in my opinion, does not open. In short, I would like to draw some attention to coffee. Especially the alternative.
It's not a bad cafe, there aren't many people. The interior is decent, clean, cozy. The only negative thing was that the cappuccino seemed colder than usual. If you're in the area, you can have a coffee
With service. It's a little tight in the morning. I waited a long time for them to come and accept the order. And so, in general, good coffee. A pleasant place. Maybe I just couldn't get the attention. In general, an ordinary decent coffee shop.