a good store, a wide range of reasonable prices, sellers are always ready to help you. The quality of the product is much better than in the nearest stores, I was faced with the fact that it was cheaper in neighboring stores, I skimped, but the food was either not of high quality or spoiled, in total, the cat was bad. I took the same food in this store, it was different in color and smell, and the cat ate with pleasure and everything was fine. From this I conclude that the quality is much better than in other stores. Now I take it all the time in this store and there are no problems.
Prices change every hour , the seller winds up from 5 to 15 thousand . disgusting. yesterday there were 15 scolariums, today there are 20, and this also applies to food and attributes for the aquarium. when asked why the price was changed , they answer : Do not like it , do not take it .
In a word, disgusting .....
I hope they will take action...