They were very rude on the phone and put in an awkward position .I shouldn't know what classes you have and at what level, but they talked to me as if they were mocking me.They didn 't really explain anything .And yes, you have a cool website, and it's easy to find (there is no website and it's impossible to find).I hope in the future you will be rude looking at yourself in the mirror, or to your mother.The day has just begun , and you 've already ruined it for me .I don't know if you were taught to talk to people, children)).I want to warn people.*I am attaching a photo , there is no label name on the map , unlike even your neighbors 🙂
Unpleasant women are sitting. In general, there was an impression that they were not interested in students. They didn't explain anything. They looked like they knew why you were here.