Сегодня у нас с ребятами состоялось второе занятие по курсу Minecraf!
На занятии ребята:
▶️Учились самостоятельно открывать программу и в...
March 25, 12:08
А у нас стартовал всеми любимы курс по программированию Minecraft!
Ребята были очень увлечены процессом, за первое занятие они успели :
March 24, 13:10
Поздравляем всех женщин с самым весенним и нежным праздником — 8 Марта!
Желаем вам, чтобы каждый день Вашей жизни был наполнен любовью и ув...
March 7, 12:36
Погрузитесь в мир программирования Minecraft!
Майнкрафт 🕹 - это игра в которой возможно практически все, даже обучение 📕
Именно с этой цел...
February 27, 11:06
Мы рады сообщить о курсе майнкрафт на весенних каникулах!
✅ С 24 марта по 28 марта (5 дней каникул);
✅Для детей 7-12 лет;
✅ 5 занятий по 1...
February 25, 07:53
All news (11)
Products and services
Updated: February 27
3Д программирование
196 Br8 ac.hour
Робототехника 5-6 лет
Игровая робототехника для дошкольников. Учимся программировать в игровой форме весело и с пользой!
196 Br8 ac.hour
Робототехника 6-7 лет
Научитесь программировать персонажей, управлять невероятными роботами, создавайте 3D проекты с помощью 3D ручки и на компьютере, отправьтесь в путешествие в страну "Электричество" изучив схемотехнику!
The child attends programming courses at the Robbo Club. I really like this IT school! My son enjoys going to classes , which is a huge indicator for me , he is very passionate about the learning process , and now he is spending his time usefully . Everything is organized in the best possible way: classes are interesting and very useful for children, our teacher Irina finds an approach to each child, is competent, attentive, thank you for her wonderful lessons! The motivation system is very encouraging: children earn robocoins and use them as they see fit. The staff knows their stuff, thanks for the excellent work and feedback! Also, additional programming projects are organized on each vacation, the child goes to them every time and looks forward to it. I consider Robbo Club to be one of the best schools and highly recommend it!
We went to a robotics class at school, and the kid said I don't want to, I'm not interested, and I don't like it... She always goes here with pleasure, she likes everything, teacher Irina is super mega loving children, able to find an approach to everyone, of course, the mood of the child depends on this in many ways. Although I'm sure their whole team is like that.👌Everything is interesting, you can't pick up on time from class. And, of course, there's the system of local money earned in class by the child himself (not the mother's) , which buys 3D figurines.
Thank you for our kids' dedication)
We chose this club to develop programming skills from a variety of options and have never been disappointed. A friendly, comfortable team of professionals who know how to find an approach to each child, while maintaining discipline in the classroom (children are so passionate that they have no time to be naughty). The robocoin system is a great incentive for children, and it attracts parents as well. A well-established information and feedback system. Attentive attitude to missed classes for a good reason with the possibility of working out, which the club reminds you of, allowing the child to keep up with learning. Pleasant, friendly atmosphere in the office, answers to all your questions. It is very pleasant to come into contact with this level of organization of the learning process.