Горячий шоколад — напиток, в состав которого обязательно входят растопленный шоколад, а также молоко, сахар
3.5 Br350 ml
Раф-кофе - кофейный напиток, гото вится путём добавления нагретых паром сливок с небольшим количеством пены в одиночную порцию эспрессо. Часто подаётся с сиропом.
Принципиально похож на латте, но отличается — добавлением ванильного сахара и сливок...
A good machine!
Just take the cat away, otherwise she's also sitting on the machine.
The owner of the point replied to the review that it was a mascot, but!!!
Further, as a resident of this city and often observing this constantly pregnant cat there, I want to note: she walks down the street, it's not clear what she's sick of or not, but she carries dirt and infection from the street on her paws, after which she jumps to the syrups (I really hope she doesn't lick them), where people put coffee on and lie on top of the machine right over the cups.
Is this the norm? I doubt it! And the sanitary station, I think, has a very definite position on this matter. I'm not against animals, I love coffee, but pets should live at home!
It's like "toys should be sold in a toy store, not in a clinic," as it was in our city not so long ago)