Unfortunately, they only sell ready-made bouquets, collected it is not known when. The composition is monotonous: chrysanthemum, single-headed roses, gypsophila. Greens are not sold separately, it is not clear why. To my request to come up with something for 40 rubles, the florist made such a face that it became disgusting. I had to think and count myself. There was no white silence and no ribbon. A bouquet was going to be placed behind the wall (!!!) so that I wouldn't see how everything was being done! I tried to persuade her to show me how it turned out at each stage, she barely looked out for the show! I can't help but notice that it all came together with such arrogance on her part. Well, in the end, it turned out to be such a "beauty" that in the photo. Without words. They gave it to me, I didn't twist anything. Look on the Internet how to make a skirt in a bouquet!!