A very decent children's center. As migrants from the ATO zone, we did not know which center to choose, our friends at the playground, where we walked, almost all with one voice recommended "Bjilka". But we had a difficulty - the children grew up in Russian, but here they teach in Ukrainian. At the children's center, we were assured that classes are held in a playful way and the child will not feel uncomfortable and will quickly be able to switch to the Ukrainian language. and besides, you will still have to learn Ukrainian, because all schools in the district are in Ukrainian.While doing homework with a child, I saw how easy Ukrainian is for a child and how hard it is for me. After 2 years of studying at the center, our little genius)) I easily enrolled in one of the best schools in the world, and I'm still struggling with learning the state language... I am ashamed of myself and proud of the child) I recommend this children's center to everyone. It is immediately clear that the lessons are built competently and the teachers work for the best, for the result, they always explain if something is unclear.The name "Bjilka" speaks for itself - they are hard workers.