State supervisory bodies in Kherson
Антимонопольный комитет
Антимонопольный комитет
Business hours unknown
State supervisory bodies
prospekt Ushakova, 42
Государственная инспекция по вопросам труда
Государственная инспекция по вопросам труда
Business hours unknown
State supervisory bodies
provulok Puhachova, 5
Glavnoye upravleniye veterinarnoy meditsiny V Khersonskoy oblasti
Glavnoye upravleniye veterinarnoy meditsiny V Khersonskoy oblasti
Closed until 08:00
State supervisory bodies
Перекопська вулиця, 17
Khersonskaya oblastnaya fitosanitarnaya laboratoriya
Khersonskaya oblastnaya fitosanitarnaya laboratoriya
Closed until 08:30
State supervisory bodies
Суворовський район, Соборна вулиця, 34
Gosudarstvennaya inspektsiya po kontrolyu kachestva lekarstvennykh sredstv
Gosudarstvennaya inspektsiya po kontrolyu kachestva lekarstvennykh sredstv
Closed until 08:00
State supervisory bodies
Богородицкая улица, 24
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